
I've never done CrossFit or exercised before. Can I do CrossFit?

Everyone can do CrossFit. We teach all exercises step by step and modify them according to your level no matter what your age or level is. Since 2-3 coaches attend the class at the same time, we can pay close attention to each member and get results faster.

Do I need to be fit to start?

No! Most of our members start from zero. As you train, you improve and get fitter. We teach all exercises step by step and modify them according to your level no matter what your age or level is.

What is the difference between CrossFit and normal fitness?

In regular fitness centers, each muscle group is worked on with different machines with limited ranges of motion that have little contribution to daily life, and cardio is usually done for hours. In CrossFit, we train with functional movements that work all muscle groups using body weight and free equipment in 1-hour group classes. This way, you get a fit look in a short time, get rid of working out on machines, have fun while working out and increase your quality of life.

I want to lose weight. Is it possible with CrossFit?

CrossFit is an ideal sport for rapid weight loss. Our classes consist of two parts: strength/technique and metabolic conditioning. Strength/technique training increases your strength while toning you, and metabolic conditioning training allows you to spend a lot of energy. Our training sessions last a maximum of 1 hour. You can get in shape quickly by coming a few days a week.

I want to get toned. Won’t I get bulky if a lift weights?

In fact, weights are the most effective way to tone up. Because muscles are what give the body a toned appearance. Muscles take up 15% less space than fat at the same weight. You can also burn more calories by gaining muscle. Because muscle burns 3 times more calories than fat. Finally, doing both weights and cardio, as we do in CrossFit, is superior to doing only cardio to burn fat.


Won’t I lose flexibility if I lift weights?

Quite the opposite, in fact. In CrossFit, we do all exercises through a full range of motion, and lifting weights has positive effects on flexibility. A meta-analysis of 55 studies looked at the effects of lifting weights and stretching on flexibility. These studies show that lifting weights increases flexibility and has similar results to stretching exercises. In other words, lifting weights does not decrease your flexibility, but rather increases it.



What is the difference between Hyrox and CrossFit?

The movements we do in Hyrox are much simpler than the movements in CrossFit.
While we do endurance-focused, calorie-burning, and longer-lasting workouts in Hyrox, in CrossFit, in addition to these goals, we work for strength, power, flexibility, toning, and gaining muscle mass.

Group Classes

How many members can enter group classes?

The capacity of our group classes is 18. We use our application CrossFit Aspera to join them. After you become a member, we give you your password and you can make reservations for the classes you will attend via the application.

How long do the classes last?

All of our classes last close to 1 hour.

How many times should I come in a week?

We advise you to come 3-4 times a week at the start. You can come more times after you adapt.

How do you design your training programs?

We plan our training in 3-month cycles in the light of current scientific studies. At the beginning of every 3 months, we conduct tests to measure the development of our members and, if necessary, change the next training cycles according to the development. It is clear in advance which movements we will do, how many times, on a monthly and weekly basis, and how much the intensity and workload will be. We make sure that we increase the load we put on our bodies gradually and slowly, allowing enough time between similar types of movements to avoid overloading the tissues.


Do you provide nutritional support?

Yes. When you are a member of a group lesson, we provide general support on nutrition, and when you are a member of a private lesson, we provide more detailed support.
We also work with a dietitian. If you want detailed support, you can meet with her one-on-one.

Recovery & Injuries

What are the injury rates in CrossFit and how do you avoid them?

Injury rates are very low in CrossFit. Studies have shown that injury rates in CrossFit are many times lower compared to running, field sports and contact sports.
Since 2-3 coaches attend the class at the same time, we can pay close attention to each member and fix any technical mistakes quickly.
We also pay a lot of attention to our programming. We plan our training in 3-month cycles in the light of current scientific studies.
It is clear in advance which movements we will do, how many times, on a monthly and weekly basis, and how much the intensity and workload will be. We make sure that we increase the load we put on our bodies gradually and slowly, allowing enough time between similar types of movements to avoid overloading the tissues.


I have injury X. Is it okay if I do CrossFit or join your classes?

No. On the contrary, it is better to move in order to recover faster and benefit from the pain-relieving effect of working out. We also modify all movements according to your injuries, gradually increasing the difficulty of the movements. Since 2-3 coaches attend the class at the same time, we can pay close attention to each member and fix any technical mistakes quickly. In this way, we both recover faster and reduce your risk of injury.


Do you provide facilities such as showers and changing room lockers?

Yes. We have showers and changing room lockers. Our lockers can be used daily and we also have lockers that you can rent monthly and leave your belongings in.

Do we have to bring our own water?

You can purchase products such as water, energy drinks, protein bars, protein powders, etc. from our box or bring your own.

Do you take measurements?

Yes. Every 3 months, we conduct tests to measure the development of our members and, if necessary, change the next training cycles according to the development.

